Father: “Tomorrow, Don’t Act Smart with the Boss, Find Out What He Wants First.”
25 min. 22 sec.
Three-channel video installation, wall paint
The title of this three-channel video comes from a French movie, Human Resources , in which a set of conversation about work leads to a dispute between the father and the son. However, in this piece the artist talks about the relationship between work and affect, economy and emerging ethical issues in the context of a shift from a post-fordist to a post-work society. This video is unfolded in three parallel chapters: self-capital and therapy, economization of LOVE, debt and data-body.
Self-capital and therapy
If a person cannot get herself out of bed, like Oblomov, the hero of Ivan Goncharov’s novel, who makes a passion out of resisting usefulness, and if this person then decides to turn the tables on herself, by bringing her work into her bed, is she just smart or succumbing to neo-liberal self-exploitation?
Economization of LOVE
When a worker is emotionally bounded with the commodity he/she creates, would this emotion or relationship be able to let he/her free from the alienation of labor? Or this is another upgrade of commodity fetishism, a pleasure of witnessing the annihilation of the self?
Debt and data-body
When one is in debt and afraid to loss job due to the desire to change his/her social class, and even more exaggeratingly, his/her sentiments and nerve become fragile and unstable by following financial fluctuation, would his/her blood and flesh and personality be digitized, as a ‘man of marble’ in neoliberal market and ideology?